Sunday 23 October 2011

A little bit closer...

I went horse riding today, got picture of me tacking up the horse and riding around a little bit. Will get photos of me swimming next weekend and photos of craft the kids do on prac this week and hopefully they will be enough for the photo montage they want

Saturday 22 October 2011



I had an interview with CCUSA today. I'm not sure how it went, it didn't feel like I screwed it up completely but I didn't come out with high hopes. So I need to add a couple things to my application, more types of camps I am willing to go to, add in my certificate which I forgot to do and make a photo page. Once that is done and it is all good I will find out within two weeks if I have been accepted or rejected into the program. So once again, its a waiting game.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Interview to be...

On Friday I got a call from CCUSA suggesting somethings that can be changed  on my application to make it easier to get accepted into the program/camps. I had to add 10 more skills change one of my main skills and get another reference.

So I changed those couple items and got a call from the interviewer who booked in my interview for next Saturday morning. So, cross your fingers!

So next weekend, I need to get my fourth reference(one wasnt so good apparently) then got the interview at 11am in the City, lunch at Mortdale with the girls, dinner with Natalie. Gonna be a big weekend.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Doctor doctor...

Just got back from the doctors, I now have my previous medical conditions form filled out. I still havent heard from CCUSA so I am going to give them a call tomorrow.

I told my Grandparents about applying today, shock was the emotion. Questions about why and whether it is worth it, hopefully it is!!

Thursday 6 October 2011

Oh My God!!

OK, so as part of my procrastination today I decided to check CCUSA to see if there was any change to my application stuff. While I still cant access and sign my electronic program agreement, I do now have an ID!! So exciting!! There is also new stuff such as visa information, advice about flights, insurance stuff....

So I know I am getting my hopes up, but at least they have received my application and hopefully my background check stuff. Now I am just waiting for them to call me in for an interview, hopefully it is soon!!

I also tried out my new camera this morning, I am pretty happy. I just need to make sure I don't drop this one in a a sand pit, it may be harder then it sounds :(

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Say cheese!

So today I went to go buy a new camera, I dropped my old one in a sand pit face first and while it works most the time I decided to let wishful thinking get the best of me and figured I would want a new one if I got to go to camp.

So I walk out the door and my neighbor who was going to go to the shops with me said "Did you leave your door open?" I was like "What?" I was truly puzzled! Anyways, I walk over and the door is open, glove box mpty and stuff all over the passenger seat. Luckily only an old GPS and a few burnt CDs gone but its creeped me out because the car was parked in my drive, meaning some idiot had to get out of their car, walk up my drive and open the car. And this happened all within 30 minutes of me checking the letter box.

So eventually after calling parents and then the cops I got up to the shop and got my new camera, which I must admit cheered me up a little bit. But now the adrenaline is gone and I am tired. So back to doing tafe work so i might me able to go to bed before 2am tonight.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

And so it began...

I have been talking about going to a summer camp in America for about three years but there always a reason as to why I couldn't to it, age, study, work, etc. So this year I said screw it, I'm going to apply. And I have.

Last night I completed hours of questions online, got my 3 reference people to complete the  and payed ($200) to apply. Today I got a smiling(!) passport photo, a money order and sent my anti-molesters check off to Sydney. (Another $65, I predict my plan is going to cost me a small fortune!).

So now I wait for CCUSA to contact me, arrange a interview, and hopefully get accepted into the program. If I do, that will be another $425.

Wish me luck, will let you know what happens!!